Выберитеправильноеслово. используйте притяжательные местоимения: 1. is that your/yours book? 2. that's not my/mine ball. my/mine is red. 3. they know our/ours friends, but we don't know theirs/them. 4. bob has got a dog but i don't know it/its name. 5. these books are my/mine but this newspaper is your/yours. 6. my/mine hands are cold. 7. i gave her my/mine address and she gave me hers.

dariadaria6 dariadaria6    3   13.06.2019 15:40    6

Bogalexx Bogalexx  02.10.2020 01:21
1. Is that your/yours book? 
2. That's not my/mine ball. My/mine is red. 
3. They know our/ours friends, but we don't know theirs/them. 
4. Bob has got a dog but I don't know it/its name. 
5. These books are my/mine but this newspaper is your/yours. 
6. My/mine hands are cold. 
7. I gave her my/mine address and she gave me hers.
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