Вкаждом два последних номера

nurbolatborec7 nurbolatborec7    3   24.04.2019 09:56    2

vitaming vitaming  08.06.2020 15:57

ответ:1. 3. Их отправят в Лондон в июне. - they will be sent to London in June

2. 3. At the station they will meet by a man from the travel bureau.

2.4. You mey leave your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs

3.3. The storm is be droved the ship against a rock.

3.4. Snow is be covered everything in winter.

5.4.he was taught to swim last summer

5.5. you will be asked to tell about the trip


zippops zippops  08.06.2020 15:57

1.I bought a new book

2. they will be sent to London in June

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