Use the information from the text to complete the sentences (1-6). use the comparative froms of the adjectives in brackets 1 djs at dance fusion are . . . than at stradust (good) 2 music at stardust is than at dance fusion.(exciting) 3 people at dance fuion are than at stardust.(old) 4 food at dance fusion is than at stardust.(bad) 5 people at dance fuion are than at stardust.(interesting)

darialitvinenko darialitvinenko    2   29.08.2019 16:30    1

6df5 6df5  06.10.2020 03:14
1) better
2) more exciting
3) older
4) worse
5) more interesting

Правило: если прилагательное короткое, то добавляешь -er, если длинное, то more и само прилагательное. Есть исключения как good-better-the best и bad-worse-the worst. Удачи :)
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