Read and complete the dialogues. слова для справок: yellow street, how do i get, along, swimming pool, opposite, turn right, you'll, turn left, walk along. диалог 1. стоят на зеленой улицы. excuse me, where's the bus station, please? there? green street. the bus station's . диалог 2. стоят на голубой улицы. excuse me, where's the information centre, please? it's in blue street. at the swimming pool and see the information centre next to the bus station.

Pro100iraa Pro100iraa    1   06.08.2019 15:40    1

funfup funfup  04.10.2020 01:18
1- How do I get there
2- along
3- walk along
4- Yellow street
5- opposite

диалог 2

1- Yellow street
2- walk along
3- turn left
4- you'll
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