Use of English. Task 3. Complete the sentences using the third conditional. 1. If she 2. We 3. If I 4. If he 5. If you 6. If she (go) to art school, she (see) John If we (be) born in a different country, I (not/take) the job, he (not/be) late, we (study), she (become) a painter. (arrive) earlier (learn) to speak a different language. (go) travelling. (not/miss) the bus. (pass) the exam. 16)

sashaloxas sashaloxas    3   30.05.2023 13:29    0

Danila43pirojok Danila43pirojok  30.05.2023 13:30

Відповідь: 1. If she had gone to art school, she would have seen John.

2. If we had been born in a different country, I wouldn't have taken the job.

3. If I had arrived earlier, I would have learned to speak a different language.

4. If he hadn't missed the bus, he wouldn't have been late.

5. If you had studied, you would have passed the exam.

6. If she had gone traveling, she would have become a painter.


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