17) My mobile phone (not to be) new. 18) When you (to play) volleyball?
19) They (to bring) something for us last month.
20) How much you (to pay) for these boots?
21) I (not to pay) anything.
22) I (not to want) to stay at home.
23) I just (to study) to be Computer software engineer.
24) Karla, the oldest (to have) one son.
25) Mr Anderson (to comb) hi hair?
26) The twins (to be) older than Mr Anderson.
27) Your work (to be) the best one next week.
28) Where you (to go) tomorrow?
29) What foreign languages you (to know) a few words of?
30) Knowledge of languages (to be) the doorway to wisdom.
31) Tony (not to enjoy) exam.
32) I (to find) it hard to remember jokes and funny stories.
33) What clothes you (to wear) yesterday?
34) You (to speak) with your sister on the phone yesterday.
35) Some tourists (to want) to take photo of you.
36) People in Russia (to keep) their old customs and traditions.
37) What you (to do) now? - I (to play) the piano.
38) A mechanic (to fix) cars? - Yes, ...
39) A mother black rhino (not to have) many babies.
40) What you (to think) of when you (to hear) the word "technology"?
41)Sphinx (to have got) the body of lion and the head of a man.
42) He (to put) on his tie, which he (to hate).
43) He (to live) in Chicago with his parents two years ago.

Razzey Razzey    1   31.10.2020 10:06    1

rfrfrfrfe rfrfrfrfe  30.11.2020 10:07

17. isn't 18.played 19. brought 20. pays 21.dont pay 22. don't want 23.studing 24.has 25. comb 26. are 27. will 28. will go to 29. know 30.are 31. don't enjoy 32. found 33.wore 34. spoke 35. wants 36. keeping 37. doing, am playing 38. fixed 39. haven't 40. think, hear 41. have got 42. put, hate 43. lives

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