умоляю надо
Passive voice. The post box yesterday.
A) is emptied
B) have emptied
C) emptied
D) were emptied
E) was emptied
This morning I had apple and some toasts for breakfast.
A) an /-
B) - /an
C) an / an
D) - / -
E) the / the

66. ‘Where is the newspaper?’ ‘I thought you reading it.’
A) finished
B) had finished
C) have finished
D) will read
E) has red
If I had known you were in hospital, I you.
A) would visit
B) would visited
C) would have visited
D) will be visited
E) would visiting

Maria’s got a terrible voice but she at any opportunity.
A) is singing
B) would sing
C) has sung
D) will sing
С объяснением

DoIIIuPak18 DoIIIuPak18    1   30.04.2020 17:46    1

tarasovdanila tarasovdanila  28.08.2020 16:57

1) E

2) D

3) A

4) A

5) C


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