Во относительные местоимения
Exercise 1.
1. … is speaking?
2. … children are they?
3. … were you talking to?
4. … do you mean?
5. … did you receive it from?
6. … book did you take?
7. … one do you prefer?
8. … employees took their vacation in May?
9. … do you take me for?
10. … is the news today?
11. … is she like?
12. … of the boys do you like best?
13. … money is that?
14. … are the people you are speaking for?
15. … is it made of?
16. … car was stolen?
17. … is the French for “dog”?
18. … daughter are you?
19. Mr. ... did you say?
20. … are these toys?

Exercise 2.

1. … is this car?
2. … bag is yours?
3. … is the tallest building in Russia?
4. … is your car – the Mercedes or the Volvo?
5. … kind of food do you enjoy eating?
6. … books do you enjoy reading?
7. … fruit shall we have for dessert?
8. … is your sister like?
9. … of want to join us?
10. …is the most comfortable, a bicycle or a motorcycle?
11. … kind of music do you like?
12. … is your new teacher like?
13. … of these skirts do you prefer, the blue or the pink?
14. … pen is it?
15. … is your favourite colour?
16. … is the new restaurant like? It’s extremely elegant.
17. … is the fastest way to get to Paris from here?
18. … is your favourite subject at school?
19. … is wrong with you?
20. … car is that parked outside?

ащна ащна    1   30.05.2020 20:40    3

machismo machismo  15.10.2020 11:10


1. Who

2. Whose

3. Who

4. What

5. Who

6. Whose

7. Which

8. Why

9. What

10. What

11. What

12. Which

13. Whose

14. How

15. What

16. Whose

17. What

18. Whose

19. What

20. Whose


1. Whose

2. What

3. What

4. Which

5. What

6. What

7. What

8. What

9. Who

10. Which (one)/what

11. What

12. What

13. Which

14. Whose

15. What

16. What

17. What

18. What

19. What

20. Whose

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