The name of enrico caruso a famous italian singer is well known all over the world . he sang almost in all countries of europe : in russia in france in germany and in many other countries. though caruso was very famous he often said: " no man is so well known as he thinks he is " one day he came to the united states to give some concerts. he drove to new york . his car broke down near a farm . caruso didn"t know how to repair the car. he went to the farm and asked the farmer to fix it. the farmer agreed . soon the farmer finished his work . " your car is ready sir" he said " now you can drive on". caruso paid the farmer for his work and presented him his photo with his name on it. the farmer read the name on the photo and cried out : " oh what a iuck ! you are robinson crusoe ! i"ve never dreamed to receive the greatest traveller in the world in my poor house! "