The Fifty States.

The fifty states of the United States, or the USA , join to make one nation. The United States did not always have fifty states. At first there were thirteen. As the United States grew, more states joined the union. The last two states to join were Alaska and Hawaii. They both joined in nineteen fifty-nine. The area of the United States covers every type of land. There are forests, deserts, mountains, and flat land. The area of the United States also covers every type of climate. The size of each state is different too. Alaska is the biggest state, Rhode Island is the smallest state. Alaska is 500 times bigger than Rhode Island.

About 250 million people live in the US. The people of the country come from all over the world. People often name cities after where they come from. For example, in the United States you find Paris, Rome, Delhi, and Frankfurt. The state with the highest population is Alaska.

Each state has its own name. The name gives the state its identity and personality. More than half the states have names from American Indian origin. Each state also has a flag with colors that have a special meaning for the state. The flag is the emblem, or the symbol, of the state. There is also a state flower, tree, and bird.

Задание № 1. Из нижеперечисленных слов найдите слова подходящие по смыслу выделенным словам

Nation, emblem, union, climate, origin, its identity, flat land, population.

1) The United States is a country of fifty states.

2) The United States grew, and more states joined the group.

3) The United States has forests, deserts, mountains, and land which is level and not high.

4) The United States also has every type of weather.

5) The state with the highest number of people is California.

6) More than half the states have names from American Indian beginnings.

7) The flag is the symbol of the state.

8) The name gives the state a name to say what it is.

Задание №2. Найдите правильный ответ.

1) The United States

a) was always fifty states

b) has fifty states today

c) is not a nation of fifty states

2) The United States has

a) about 250 million people

b) people from Europe and India only

c)the highest population in the world

3) Each state has

a) an American Indian name

b) no personality

c) its own name and flag

Задание № 3. Найдите неверное слово в каждом предложении и замените его на верное. Предложения не списывайте, напишите неверное слово и через тире слово, на которое вы его меняете .

1) There is a state flag, mountain, tree, and a bird.

2) Hawaii is 500 times bigger than Rhode Island.

3) More than half the states have people from American Indian origin.

4) The state with the lowest population is Hawaii.

5) Each state has a flag with colors that have a special meaning for the nation.

6) People often name states after where they come from.

Варя1001005 Варя1001005    2   28.05.2020 12:07    160

seanius seanius  10.01.2024 11:32
Задание № 1:

1) Nation - The United States is a country of fifty states.
2) Emblem - The flag is the symbol of the state.
3) Union - The United States grew, and more states joined the group.
4) Climate - The United States also has every type of weather.
5) Origin - More than half the states have names from American Indian beginnings.
6) Its identity - The name gives the state a name to say what it is.
7) Flat land - The United States has forests, deserts, mountains, and land which is level and not high.
8) Population - The state with the highest number of people is Alaska.

Задание № 2:

1) b) has fifty states today
2) a) about 250 million people
3) c) its own name and flag

Задание № 3:

1) There is a state flag, mountain, tree, and a bird. (неверное слово: mountain; верное слово: river)
2) Hawaii is 500 times bigger than Rhode Island.
3) More than half the states have people from American Indian origin. (неверное слово: origin; верное слово: origin)
4) The state with the lowest population is Hawaii. (неверное слово: lowest; верное слово: highest)
5) Each state has a flag with colors that have a special meaning for the nation. (неверное слово: nation; верное слово: state)
6) People often name states after where they come from. (неверное слово: states; верное слово: cities)
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