128 exercises 1 understanding phrasal verbs (a-b) work out the meaning of these phrasal verbs and put them in the right sentences: come back, come in, cut out, fall over, get on, give away, go away, let in, lie down, pay back, stay in, take back (use a dictionary if you need to.) ? hello. nice to see you. come in and sit down. ? i didn't have a key, but luckily someone was there to let me in. 1 can't we go out somewhere? i don't want to all evening. 2 could you lend me ten pounds? i' on friday. 3 the pavement is very icy. be careful you don't 4 i was feeling so tired i had to on the bed for a while. 5 there was an article in the newspaper that i wanted to 6 mark's gone out, and i don't know when he's going to 7 the driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to 8 i'll have to these books to the library. and keep. 9 your brother was being a nuisance, so i told him 10 inordertogetpublicity, children. 2 one-word verb and phrasal verb (b) put in a phrasal verb that means the same as the verb in brackets. use the correct form of the phrasal verb. rachel: i've (►) found out (discovered) what the problem is with the exam. vicky: oh, good. tell me. rachel: when they printed the papers, they (1) (omitted) a page. no one noticed untilthepapershadallbeen( (distributed). now they'll have to (3) (discard) all the papers and (4) (postpone) the exam. vicky: rachel: vicky: are you sure you haven't (5) (invented) this whole story? it's true, i tell you. and isn't it good news? i don't know about that. it means we'll have to () revising. 13 word order with phrasal verbs (c) complete the sentences by putting in the phrasal verbs. some of the spaces you have to leave empty. sometimes more than one answer is correct. ? the sweater was full of holes, so i threw it away (threw away). ? i've put up (put up) that picture we bought last week. 1 there'salwayslitterhere.nooneever ). 2 it's quite cold now. i think i'll on). 3 i haven't heard from rita lately. i might her .. (ring up). 4 daniel has to go into college his project (hand in). 5 i can't remember the address. i wish i' it ). 6 nick is trying to all the money he's just lost (win back). 7 i'm not going to have time these dishes up). 8 if you don't know the number, you can (look up) in the phone book. 9 there was an accident all the traffic coming into (held up). 10 the words 'expect' and 'except' are so similar that i them (mix up).

popovichmilanap06lkc popovichmilanap06lkc    3   15.04.2019 11:01    102

Амина9505 Амина9505  10.01.2024 00:15
Привет! Я очень рад принять роль школьного учителя и помочь тебе с решением данных упражнений.

Задание 1 - Понимание фразовых глаголов:
1. "come back" - возвратиться (вернуться)
- Пример предложения: "I went to the store and then came back home."
2. "come in" - войти
- Пример предложения: "Please knock on the door and wait for someone to let you in."
3. "cut out" - вырезать
- Пример предложения: "She cut out pictures from magazines and made a collage."
4. "fall over" - упасть
- Пример предложения: "He tripped on the rug and fell over."
5. "get on" - садиться
- Пример предложения: "The bus arrived and we all got on."
6. "give away" - раздавать (отдавать)
- Пример предложения: "She gave away all her old clothes to charity."
7. "go away" - уходить
- Пример предложения: "Please go away and let me study in peace."
8. "let in" - впустить
- Пример предложения: "She opened the door and let in her friends."
9. "lie down" - лечь (сесть)
- Пример предложения: "After a long day, she decided to lie down on the couch and relax."
10. "pay back" - отдать долг
- Пример предложения: "He borrowed money from his friend and promised to pay it back next week."
11. "stay in" - оставаться дома (не выходить)
- Пример предложения: "It's raining outside, so let's stay in and watch a movie."
12. "take back" - забрать назад
- Пример предложения: "She realized she bought the wrong size and went to take it back to the store."

Задание 2 - Однословные глаголы и фразовые глаголы:
1. "found out" (ответ на вопрос ►) - узнали (обнаружили)
2. "omitted" (ответ на вопрос 1) - пропустили (пропустили случайно)
3. "distributed" (ответ на вопрос 2) - распределили (раздали)
4. "postpone" (ответ на вопрос 3) - отложить
5. "invented" (ответ на вопрос 5) - выдумал (придумал)
6. "revising" (ответ на вопрос 6) - повторять (подготавливаться к экзамену)

Задание 3 - Порядок слов с фразовыми глаголами:
1. "pick up" - поднимать (взять)
- Пример предложения: "There's always litter here. No one ever picks it up."
2. "put on" - надевать
- Пример предложения: "It's quite cold now. I think I'll put on a warm sweater."
3. "ring up" - позвонить (набрать номер)
- Пример предложения: "I haven't heard from Rita lately. I might ring her up."
4. "hand in" - сдать (отдать)
- Пример предложения: "Daniel has to go into college and hand in his project."
5. "look up" - найти в справочнике
- Пример предложения: "I can't remember the address. I wish I could look it up."
6. "win back" - вернуть (выиграть обратно)
- Пример предложения: "Nick is trying to win back all the money he's just lost."
7. "wash up" - мыть посуду
- Пример предложения: "I'm not going to have time to wash these dishes up."
8. "look up" - искать (в справочнике)
- Пример предложения: "If you don't know the number, you can look it up in the phone book."
9. "hold up" - задерживать (задержка)
- Пример предложения: "There was an accident, holding up all the traffic coming into the city."
10. "mix up" - перепутать
- Пример предложения: "The words 'expect' and 'except' are so similar that I often mix them up."

Надеюсь, эти подробные объяснения и пошаговые решения помогут тебе лучше понять и решить данные упражнения. Если у тебя возникнут еще какие-либо вопросы, не стесняйся задавать их мне. Удачи!
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