The cattle on the farm always so well looked after. a. are
b. be
c. is
d. am
Bob, I can't believe how much you since I last you.
a. changed, sees
b. have been changed, saw
c. have changed, saw
d. change, have seen
Apples very little in Ukraine, but now they are quite expensive.
a. used to costing
b. used to cost
c. are used to cost
d. uses to cost
The boss asked the detective how many criminals in the robbery.
a. will be involved
b. had been involved
c. were being involve
d. have been involved
I try my luck if I you.
a. won't, were
b. wouldn't, am
c. wouldn't, were
d. wouldn't, would be
My husband his car for three years.
a. has been having
b. has
c. has had
d. is having
Only of the group passed their English exam. The others failed.
a. a two third
b. two the thirds
c. the two third
d. two third
The new house is as the old one.
a. twice as much
b. twice as more
c. twice as both
d. twice as many

valeria8002 valeria8002    1   17.01.2022 19:23    0

Ejdncenejfjdj Ejdncenejfjdj  17.01.2022 19:30
ccbbcb or d I'm not sureab