Test yourself 1. Read the following statements, then read the text and match its paragraphs with the statements. There is one extra statement.
1 Studying is very important for Chinese students.
2 Students stay in their classrooms for lunch.
3 Students have all the classes in the same classroom.
4 Maths and English are students' favourite classes.
5 Homework does not take too much time.
6 Chinese schools have their own typical features.

A In China education plays a very important role. Schools in China are very much like schools in Europe or America. There are, however, some differences.
В There are usually about 45 students in a classroom. Students stay in the same classrooms for all subjects, teachers travel from classroom to classroom to teach their subjects. Starting from the third grade, each subject is taught by a teacher who specialises only in that subject.
С School hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students have 10-minute breaks in between 40-minute classes. At noontime the students eat lunch, which is prepared by school kitchen staff and brought to their classrooms.
D Chinese schools do not generally give much homework. Most students can complete it in about one hour, after that they do extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities for many students include weekend classes. The majority of kids prepare for the Olympiads in maths and English in their extracurricular weekend classes.
E The Chinese hold learning and education in the highest regard. Even when in hospital, they would do homework while receiving treatment. Teachers say that though children are smarter and more confident today, there is always room for improvement. Today students need to be taught discipline and teamwork.

2. Fill in the gaps. Use should or shouldn’t.
1. You … learn foreign languages.
2. Children … watch TV all day long.
3. People … drop litter.
4. The rich … help the poor.
5. We … recycle our rubbish.
6. We … protect the environment.
7. Everybody … eat vegetables and fruit.

3. Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (watch) TV when she (call).
2. Sam (wait) for us when we (arrive).
3. He (break) his leg while he (skate).
4. Emily (talk) on the phone when I (come) in.
5. When I (see) her, she (stand) at the bus stop.
4. Complete the sentences with the words much, many.
1. Trevor has free time.
2. He doesn't getmoney for it, but he enjoys his work.
3. Trevor couldn't find information for his article in the library,
4. There are computers in Trevor's school, so he used the computer in The RAP office.
5. teenagers liked his article and wrote about it to The RAP.

Maksim3131 Maksim3131    3   16.02.2022 18:19    38

Тотах Тотах  22.12.2023 11:48
1. В - В Китае образование играет очень важную роль. Школы в Китае очень похожи на школы в Европе или Америке. Однако есть некоторые отличия.
2. С - Часы занятий в школе с 8 утра до 4 вечера. У учеников есть перерывы по 10 минут между уроками по 40 минут. В обед ученики обедают, который приготавливают сотрудники школьной столовой и привозят в их классы.
3. В - Обычно в классе учатся около 45 учеников. Ученики остаются в одном классе для всех предметов, преподаватели переходят из класса в класс, чтобы преподавать свои предметы. Начиная с третьего класса, каждый предмет преподаётся учителем, специализирующимся только на этом предмете.
4. D - В китайских школах обычно дают немного домашнего задания. Большинство учеников могут закончить его примерно за один час, после чего они занимаются внеклассными занятиями. Внеклассные занятия для многих учеников включают учебные классы по выходным. Большинство детей готовятся к олимпиадам по математике и английскому языку на этих внеклассных уик-энд занятиях.
5. E - Китайцы очень серьезно относятся к обучению и образованию. Даже находясь в больнице, они делают домашнее задание во время лечения. Учителя говорят, что хотя дети сегодня умнее и увереннее, всегда есть место для улучшений. Сегодня учеников нужно учить дисциплине и командной работе.

2. 1. You should learn foreign languages.
2. Children shouldn't watch TV all day long.
3. People shouldn't drop litter.
4. The rich should help the poor.
5. We should recycle our rubbish.
6. We should protect the environment.
7. Everybody should eat vegetables and fruit.

3. 1. I was watching TV when she called.
2. Sam was waiting for us when we arrived.
3. He broke his leg while he was skating.
4. Emily was talking on the phone when I came in.
5. When I saw her, she was standing at the bus stop.

4. 1. Trevor has much free time.
2. He doesn't get much money for it, but he enjoys his work.
3. Trevor couldn't find many information for his article in the library.
4. There are many computers in Trevor's school, so he used the computer in The RAP office.
5. Many teenagers liked his article and wrote about it to The RAP.
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