текст: THE ROSEHIP NEURONE A New Type of Brain Cell
Scientists have learned much about the human brain from studying the brains of
rodents, like mice, as they are remarkably similar to our own. However, an exciting
discovery has cast doubt on the extent of this simllarity, and, consequently, on the
usefulness of rodent models of human brain functioning.
Discovering and understanding the rosehip neurone deeper understanding of the role of this new type of brain cell
Researchers in Hungary and America had been independently Since rosehip neurones are one type of inhibitory neurone, they
studying the human brain when they both discovered a new type must be involved in slowing down the speed of the electrical
of brain cell The Hungarian research group had been recording signals from neighbouring cells. Additionally, rosehip neurones
the electrical activity of the brain's Inhibitory neurones. These are comprised only about 10-15% of the inhibitory neurones studied
special cells that regulate the speed of electrical signals in the and connected only to certain brain cells, leading researchers to
brain, ensuring a healthy balance of electrical activity. Over time, conclude that their inhibitory function is very targeted.
they began noticing cells with a distinctive shape that must have Why are they important?
been formed by the densely-packed network of nerve fibres Scientists believe these newly-discovered neurones have the
around the cell's centre. The shape is supposed to have reminded potential to provide answers to questions that have long troubled
them of a rose after its petals have dropped, so they named these the medical and scientific communities. For instance, since
cells "rosehip neurones" Meanwhile, in Seattle, Washington, documentation of the genetic and structural properties of rosehip
scientists had also detected these cells using a new technique
neurones has begun, scientists can begin exploring whether
that allowed them to identify active genes in brain cells. Despite dysfunction
in these neurones causes certain brain diseases or
their different methodological approaches, both research groups mental illnesses. Furthermore, rosehip neurones may well be
had stumbled upon the same incredible discovery
Once they became aware of this fact
, the scientists could have factors underlying the superior cognitive abilities of humans. To
unique to humans. If so, their presence might be one of the
continued their research independently, but they decided to date, these cells have not been observed in any other animal
collaborate in order to better understand these unique cells. They species, though future research might uncover them in other
obtained cells from the brains of two deceased men who had primates. However, since rosehip neurones do not exist in the
donated their bodies to science and continued examining these rodent brain, scientists may need to disregard the idea that the
neurones from different angles. Whereas the Hungarian team human brain is merely a larger, more complex version of the
examined the shape and electrical features of rosehip neurones, rodent brain
the American scientists looked at their genetic characteristics
What do rosehip neurones do?
Check these words
While the precise function of rosehip neurones is still unclear,
inhibitory neurone, regulate, densely-packed,
this research collaboration has provided the first steps towards a
active genes, dysfunction, cognitive abilities

текст: THE ROSEHIP NEURONE A New Type of Brain CellScientists have learned much about the human brai

arsenhcik arsenhcik    3   02.11.2020 07:18    122

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