Task 3. complete the sentences. write the correct word from the word pool in the blank. one example (0) has been done for you. eg.: 0 - right, wrong cheap clean dark dirty expensive happy heavy light right sour sweet wrong 0. a: 25 x 40 = 10,000. right? b: no, it’s not it’s 1. candy is not it’s 2. diamonds are not they are 3. it’s at night. it’s at noon. 4. a feather is not a feather is 5. before the bath, the baby is after the bath, the baby is

izibaevsergei izibaevsergei    3   29.05.2019 02:30    2

окрвовлвлк окрвовлвлк  01.10.2020 13:59
1clean   ,sweet    
2cheap, expensive   
3 light   ,  dark   
5happy  ,sour    
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