Task 2. Read the text. Ilpomme Teker w wannare cona ( 119) указанные в картинках письменно, используя новые слова. Body Parts 2)_ On each side of my head, I have an 3) 4— They let me see you My 235) mwiling My math has two 6)— for kiswing and licking Inside it has to. Y head is on my 7)__ fur chewing and a 8)—for canting my found te keta metall H9)— It leta me look to my 10) and 11)__ and up and स C (12)_ (13)_ eun hug you, and with my two 15)_ and ton 6)_ I can ruutch a ball and write my name' And down {/17). 1919). are dhe me and