Task 2 Describe the picture using topical vocabulary and "have got/has got, haven't got hasn't got". Begin with “This is a/an .---.". Then write 3 sentences.
(Опиши картинку используя тематический словарь и have got has got, haven't
gоt hаѕn't got. Начни так This is avan... Затем напиши еще 3 предложения

Task 2 Describe the picture using topical vocabulary and have got/has got, haven't got hasn't got.

asabina2005 asabina2005    2   30.10.2020 10:26    1

kot289 kot289  29.11.2020 10:26

this is a fox. the fox has 4 legs. it has a tail but it hasn't mind as our. it only has instincts

как то так

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