Present Simple и Present Continuous
II variant
Task 1. Choose the correct answer.
1. It (rain) heavily here from time to time.
1. is raining
2. rained
3. rains
2. Look! Somebody (cry).
is crying cries are crying
3. She (sit) at the sofa, (take) the magazine and (switch on) the TV. So she (do) every evening.
sat/took/swtiched on/did is sitting/ is taking/switching on/ is doing sits/takes/switches on/ does
4. Mrs Peters (to have) a walk now. It (be) her hobby.
is having/is has/is had/was
5. He always (lose) his key!
loses is losing lost
Task 2. Expand the brackets using verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. It usually (take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.
2. Classes ( begin) at eight.
3. We usually (have) four classes a day.
4. I (have) lunch at about 2 o'clock.
5. John and his friends (go) to the library now.
6. She (study) geography.
7. A
7. A young man (to stand) at the window now.
8. I (not read) a book at the moment.
9. The old man (walk) about the room. 10. The dog (lie) on the floor now

yarik159 yarik159    3   18.09.2021 07:28    50

MonSlon MonSlon  18.09.2021 07:30

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Present Simple и Present ContinuousII variantTask 1. Choose the correct answer.1. It (rain) heavily
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