Task 2. Complete the text with the right words. 1. clothes; 2. course; 3. residence; 4. wear; 5. academic; 6. full; 7. old; 8. allowed; 9. present; 10. had; 11. days; 12. live. In the ... times students' life was ... of restrictions. Students of Cambridge were not ... to play games, sing, hunt, fish or even to dance, they ... to … special dark ... and the "squares", the ... caps they still wear in our ... . During the ... all students have to ... in the college; there are at ... over 9,000 students in ... .

ntaskaeva2 ntaskaeva2    3   26.03.2021 09:29    1

томара80 томара80  26.03.2021 09:30

Task 2. Complete the text with the right words. 1. clothes; 2. course; 3. residence; 4. wear; 5. academic; 6. full; 7. old; 8. allowed; 9. present; 10. had; 11. days; 12. live. In the ... times students' life was ... of restrictions. Students of Cambridge were not ... to play games, sing, hunt, fish or even to dance, they ... to … special dark ... and the "squares", the ... caps they still wear in our ... . During the ... all students have to ... in the college; there are at ... over 9,000 students in ... .

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