Task 2. Choose a city that you know well and write a description of it for a travel magazine. In your description, you should include:
a description of the city: location, size, etc.
places of interest in the city: buildings, monuments, museums, restaurants, shops etc.
write 150–180 words.
use present tenses
content should be appropriate
use correct grammar and

AzilotikGame AzilotikGame    1   27.10.2020 13:54    39

batrazmargit batrazmargit  23.12.2023 10:35
Good morning, students! Today, we are going to talk about writing a travel magazine article describing a city. Our task is to choose a city that we know well and write a detailed description about it.

First, let's start by choosing a city. Can anyone suggest a city they know well?

(Student provides a city)

Great choice! Now, let's begin by describing the city. We should include information about its location, size, and any other interesting details. For example, we can say that our city is located on the beautiful coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a medium-sized city with a population of around 500,000 people. It has a mild climate with warm summers and mild winters.

Next, let's talk about the places of interest in our city. We can mention some famous buildings, monuments, museums, restaurants, and shops. For instance, we can describe the stunning architecture of the Cathedral, which is a popular tourist attraction. We can also mention the historic castle, which offers breathtaking views of the city. In addition, we can discuss the various museums that showcase the city's rich history and culture. Furthermore, we can highlight the diverse range of restaurants and shops that offer both local and international cuisine and products.

Now, it's time to focus on the word count. We should aim to write between 150 and 180 words. To achieve this, we can divide our description into paragraphs. Each paragraph can focus on a different aspect of the city, such as its location, size, places of interest, and so on.

Lastly, let's ensure that we use the present tenses, correct grammar, and appropriate content in our description. This will make our article more engaging and enjoyable for the readers. We can use present tenses to describe the city's current state and attractions. Correct grammar and appropriate content will help us convey our message in a clear and concise manner.

So, to summarize, we have learned how to write a detailed description of a city for a travel magazine. We discussed the importance of choosing a city we know well, providing a detailed description, including places of interest, using present tenses, maintaining correct grammar, and ensuring appropriate content. Now, it's your turn to write your travel magazine article and explore the wonders of your chosen city! Happy writing!
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