Task 1. write down a vegetable and fruit. translate the words. make up three sentences with any of them. vegetable fruit 1) beginning with the letter ‘b’ 2) beginning with the letter ‘p’ 3) beginning with the letter ‘m’ 4) beginning with the letter ‘a’ 5) beginning with the letter ‘c’

limi10 limi10    1   02.10.2019 23:40    41

tanya598 tanya598  09.10.2020 12:46

1) Brocolli, banana - броколли, банан

2) Pear,potato - груша, картофель

3) Mango, mushrooms - манго, грибы

4) Apple, Asparagus - яблоко, спаржа

5) Clementine, carrot - мандарин, морковь

задание 2

1. Raw carrots are great to crunch on and they make a healthy juice, too.

2. You can eat bananas raw, baked, dried or in a smoothie.

3. Mushrooms are tasty on toast with scrambled egg and a grilled tomato.

хорошего тебе дня!

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