Stuart left the garage and walked back home. отрицательная и вопросительная форма. )

mayakmaria mayakmaria    3   22.05.2019 08:20    1

zirkonij556 zirkonij556  17.06.2020 12:09

Stuart left the garage and walked back home.


Stuart didn't leave the garage and didn't walk back home.


Did Stuart leave the garage and walked back home?

Stuart left the garage and walked back home, didn't he?

Did Stuart or Nick leave the garage and walked back home?

Where did Stuart walk?

20софа05 20софа05  17.06.2020 12:09

stuart left the garage and walked back home - утвердительная форма


stuart did not leave the garage and did not walk back home.


did stuart leave the garage?

did stuart walk back home?



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