Стр. раскройте скобки и составьте предложения в the passive voice, используя данные ниже глаголы. build blow damage find show make(2) paint pay show speak steal clean 1. the every day. 2. two down in the storm last night. 3. wood. 4. there was a fire at the hotel last week. two rooms 5. these tomorrow. 6. many different in india. 7. these houses are very old. about 500 years ago. 8. many american british television next year. 9. 'is this a very old film? 'yes, 1949.' 10. my last week. the next day the police. 11. the 1948. 12. she has a very good job. £ 3000 a month.

oligayaraya oligayaraya    2   06.06.2019 14:30    0

danila110420051 danila110420051  06.07.2020 18:03
1. is cleaned
2. were blown down 
3. is made
4. were damaged
6. are spoken 
7. had been built
8. will be shown 
9. was made
10. was stolen, will be found 
11. was found
12. is paid 
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