Составьте предложения , используя слова из колонок: he thinks he said that he says he thought he would go to moscow tomorrow. he will be an economist. he knows mathematics well. he would be a good specialist. he has translated the text. he had passed his exams. he knew english well

SKYScraRPharaon SKYScraRPharaon    1   20.09.2019 12:10    41

Pwdrddiwkekfiwldkeie Pwdrddiwkekfiwldkeie  08.10.2020 04:32

He thinks  he will be an economist.

He said that  he would be a good specialist.

He said that he had passed his exams.

He says  he knows mathematics well.

He thought he would go to Moscow tomorrow.

He thought he knew English well.

He says he has translated the text.

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