Составить диалог на эти темы! на какую нибудь из них! урок закончится через 30 минут! two pupils (on the telephone) -stay home from scchool -stay in bed -have a temperature -ccome down with a cold -cough and sneeze -take a lot of medicines -get better!

jfksbsj jfksbsj    3   18.05.2019 18:50    1

egor44rus egor44rus  12.06.2020 00:25

- Hello. It's Olga. Can I speak to Nina?

- Wait a minute...


- Hi, Olga! How are you.

- I'm fine. Thanks. What about you?

- Not very good. I've a terrible headache and I cneeze every minutes...

- Oh, sorry... What did the doctor say?

- He said that I should stay in bed but I don't want...

- You must.Yesterday you had so high temperature!Take a lot of medicines. I'll call you tomorrow. Get better!

- Hi, thank you for calling. See you!

Samvel7777 Samvel7777  12.06.2020 00:25

Hi Bob!

Hi Alex,where are you?Wy dont you at school?

Im ill,i ve got a bad cold

Oh alex,i wish you were here!it is so funny today at school.Okay,take a lot of medicine and get better,we are waiting for you

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