I have a very interesting dream: to have a car! I guess it would be red, with big boot(багажник) with good engine and fast wheels. It is my dream to ride as fast as i could along the road. I would have windscreens on my windows, that would protect windows from the rain drops. My ignition lever would beautifully decorated. I hope this dream would become real.
Моя машина мечты такая. Она должна быть красной , внутри она кожаная, руль в мягкой обмотке , внутри обмотки шерсть. Руль приятен как тёплое одеяло. Кресло удобное регулиромое, на сиденье при нажатии на кнопку надувается подушка . Со всех сторон стоят обогреватели. В машину не надо бензина. В ней навигатор, видео регистратор и зарядка для телефона. Вот моя машина мечты !
I guess it would be red, with big boot(багажник) with good engine and fast wheels.
It is my dream to ride as fast as i could along the road. I would have windscreens on my windows, that would protect windows from the rain drops. My ignition lever would beautifully decorated. I hope this dream would become real.