I. выписать в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. а)1. in our climate the vine doesn’t grow out-of-doors, as it does in countries with a hotter summer, and hothouse grapes is very expensive. 2. i noticed a number of improvements done in this town since i last was there. 3. the students were having an interesting discussion when the teacher came in. 4. if i see the manager tomorrow, i shall remind him of that important point. b)1. many new and very interesting projects were planned for orbital stations. 2. the new exhibition of this artist is being visited actively. 3. this program will be broadcasted again tomorrow night.

pudova20001katya pudova20001katya    3   30.06.2019 20:50    2

ahmet2007 ahmet2007  02.10.2020 16:36
Active:  А)1.  doesn’t grow,  does,  is - Present Simple  2. noticed,  was - Past Simple  3. were having - Past Continuous, came - Past Simple 4. see -  Present Simple,  shall remind - Future Simple
Passive: B)1.  were planned - Past Simple 2.  is being visited - Present Continuous  3.  will be broadcast - Future Simple
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