Скласти 5 речень в Past Simple і записати до кодного питальну і заперечну форму

mainstal mainstal    3   31.05.2023 05:45    0

googlman googlman  31.05.2023 06:01

1. He danced on the stage.
He didn't danc on the stage.
Did he danc on the stage?

2. They watched cartoons.
They didn't watch cartoons.
Did they watch cartoons.

3. She sang K-POP songs.
She didn't sing K-POP songs.
Did she sing K-POP songs?

4. We wrote a song.
We didn't write a song.
Did we write a song?

5. You read manga.
You didn't read manga.
Did you read manga?

Shanmao Shanmao  31.05.2023 06:01
Did you watch the movie yesterday?
He didn't go to school last Monday.
Did they visit their grandparents last weekend?
She didn't like the food at the restaurant.
Did it rain yesterday? Добре?
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