Скажите.что этого никогда не бывает. feed.go.lay.repair.take. they never write dictations. he never writes dictations. 1. table. 2. bike. in the zoo. 4.. 5.. of her children. fish. 8. the forest. 9. table. 10. the swimming pool

Mukadas1208 Mukadas1208    1   23.09.2019 10:30    1

каралина123 каралина123  08.10.2020 12:06
1. I never lie on the table
2. You never repair your bike
3. She never feeds animals in the zoo
4. I never take photos
5. He never repairs chairs
6. Nina never takes photos of her children 
7. They never feed fish
8. Anton never goes to the forest
9. Ivan never repairs the table
10. We never go to the swimming pool.
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