Скажите , а этот текст по какому классу? надо( a sad story three men came to new york for a holiday. they came to a very large hotel and took a room there. their room was on the forty-fifth floor. in the evening the young man went to the cinema. when the film was over, they went to a restaurant and had supper there. they came back to the hotel very late. "i am very sorry", said the clerk of the hotel, "but our lifts do not work at night. if you don't want to walk up in your room, you can sleep in the hall". "no, no", said one of the three men, "no, thank you. we shall walk to our room". then he said to his friends, "i think i know how to make it easy for us to walk up to the forty-fifth floor. on our way to the room i'll tell you some jokes, then you, peter, will tell us some interesting stories". so they began to walk up to their room. at last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. they were very tired by that time, and they decided to have a rest. "well", said tom, "now it is your turn, peter. tell us a story with a sad end'*. "i'll tell you a story", said peter. "it will not be long, but it will be sad enough. listen. we have left the key to our room in the hall downstairs".

кот883 кот883    3   06.06.2019 02:30    2

nastaklimenkofll nastaklimenkofll  06.07.2020 11:15
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