На языке составить написаиь не менее 10 хороших правил, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме.и не быть толстым​

mrgrabik mrgrabik    3   20.03.2019 21:58    1

easyotvet01 easyotvet01  26.05.2020 10:51

1. You should visit gym and do different exercises

2. You should eat fruits and vegetables

3. You should have daily regime

4. You should walk enough on foot

5. You shouldn't eat junk food

6. You have to drink lots of water

7. You shouldn't smoke or drink alcohol

8. You shouldn't be lazy

9. You shouldn't drink Coca-Cola

10. You mustn't eat a lot in the evening

11.You should do physical activities every day

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