сдесь надо поставить глаголы в скобках в будущее или будущее непрерывное 1. The taxi driver
...(take) you to the Savoy Hotel.
2. A shuttle
(wait) for you outside the airport building at 8:30 p.m.
3. Put on something nice for the party. The photographers
(take) pictures.
4. It’s an acceptable suggestion. I
... (think) it over.
5. I’m sure this statue
... (stand) here in the year 2010.
6. Come to the stadium at 4:00 p.m. The world-famous football player
... (sign) the t-shirts.
7. This time tomorrow I
... (fly) across the Pacific.
8. I don’t want to call Janet just now. I’m sure she
... (bathe) the baby.
9. If you need me, you
... (find) me at school.
10. The festival begins next Saturday. People
(dance) in the streets all week.
11. I’m sure you
... (pass) your driving test
12. Our neighbours are having a party tonight. They
(make) a lot of noise all night as usual.

Karin31 Karin31    1   07.04.2020 13:26    48

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