
1) a court
a. something you choose
2) a bill
b. to finish
3) to represent
c. to act as you are asked to
4) a decision
d. nose of an elephant
5) a citizen
e. the highest law
6) religion
f. a person who makes important decisions in court
7) to end
g. the process of choosing a person for a job
8) to declare
h. a planned new law
9) a congress
i. newspapers and magazines
10) a support
j. the belief in God or gods
11) to obey
k. a place where legal cases happen
12) a judge
l. to help in some situation
13) constitution
m. to make a decision in court
14) to vote
n. to express an opinion for/against something
15) to support
o. to make an official statement
16) an amendment
p. a studying period
17) to guarantee
q. to act for another person
18) a trunk
r. someone who helps
19) to judge
s. to promise
20) the press
t. the change to a law
21) a helper
u. help
22) a term
v. a formal meeting
23) election
w. a person who lives in a particular place

topova1 topova1    1   21.03.2020 15:53    0

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