сделать английский

1. Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении. Выделите выбранный вариант шрифтом или цветом ( )

1. I … (will be/am/be) late for the concert if I … (won’t find/don’t find/doesn’t find) a taxi.
2. If Bob … (will get/get/gets) a good job, he … (will start/ start / starts) paing off his debts.
3. If he … (will become/become/becomes) Prime Minister, the taxes … (will raise/raise/raises) taxes.
4. If we … (will leave/leave/leaves) at 7 o’clock, we … (will arrive/arrive/arrives) in time.
5. If you … (will be/are/is) more careful, you … (won’t make/makes/make) so many mistakes.
6. If you … (won’t drink/don’t drink/doesn’t drink) wine, you … (won’t feel/don’t feel/doesn’t feel) sleepy.
7. The child … (will start/start/starts) crying if the toy … (will break/break/breaks).
8. We … (will go/go/goes) to the beach if the weather … (will be/is/be) sunny tomorrow.

2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в необходимую форму. Впечатайте их вместо точек ( )

1. If David … (not give up) smoking, he … (be) seriously ill.
2. If Linda … (travel) to Japan, she … (buy) a kimono for me.
3. If my dad … (find) his tools, he … (be able) to repair my bike.
4. If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next week.
5. If you … (not help) me, I … (not prepare) the report tomorrow.
6. If you … (to close) the door, it … (to lock) automatically.
7. If you … (to drive) along the river bank it … (to be) twenty miles out of your way.
8. If you … (to push) this button, the volume … (to increase).
9. If you … (to take) your mobile phone into class, it … (must) be turned off.
10. Mary … (meet) her former classmates if she … (come) to the party.
11. They … (not let) you into the cinema if you … (lose) your ticket.
12. We … (buy) this dishwasher if you … (give) us a discount.
13. We … (not use) calculators when we … (write) math tests.

3. Перепишите предложения, начиная с данных слов и сохранив смысл. ( )

Пример: During a snowstorm they don’t go to school. - If there is a snowstorm, they won’t go to school.

1. I put milk in a too strong coffee. – If my coffee … .
2. Leave us alone, or we’ll call the police. – If you … .
3. Your baby can fall down, and we won’t be able to catch him at once. – If your baby …
4. Let me help you carry these heavy bags. – If you … .
5. Take the map, or we will get lost in the city. – If you … .

kodraemail kodraemail    1   03.04.2020 20:02    23

swetik101 swetik101  12.10.2020 13:50
1 Will be/ don't find
2. Gets/ will start
3. becomes/ will raise
4. Leave/ will arrive
5. Are/ won't make
6. Don't drink/ won't feel
7. Will start/ breaks
8. Will go/ is

2. 1.does not give up/ will be
2.travels/ will but
3. finds/ Will be able to
4. Will lend/ pay
5. do not help/ will not prépare
6. Don’T close/ will lock
7. To drive/ will be
8. To push/ will increase
9. To take/ must
10. Meets/ will come
11. Won’t/ lose
12. Will buy/ give
13. Don’t use/ write
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