С1. there aren't apples in the basket.@anyb. noc. some2 came to the meeting. the conference room was empty.a. nothing b. anybody c. nobody you from vladivostok? a. areb. doc. have-.- do they play football? - they play it from 5 to 7 o'clocka whereb. whenc. why5. mike has got a big house,a. isn't he b. doesn't he c. hasn't he6. three little live in our house.a. mouses b. micesc. mice7. look at bike! it's new.a theseb. thisc. those8. is that bag? - no, it'sa yours, hers b. yours, herc. your, hers9. jess is a little girl. this isrooma. jess'b. jess'sc. jes's10. she sat on the beach looking at the a moons' light b. moon's light c. light of the moon's11. i've got an e-mail from my best e-mail is very long.a ab. anc. the white sea is in russia.a. the, - b. the, the c. - , -13. five thousand seven hundred eighty four a. 5685b. 5791c. 578114. the third of january eighteen sixty-two a. 03.02.1962 b. 03.01.1962 c. 03.01186215. summer is than spring in our country.a. warmer b. the warmest c. more warm16. this is film i've ever seen in my life! a. as interesting b. the most interesting c. more interesting17. ann is at dancing than her friend.a worseb. badder c. the worst18. my grandma shopping every week.a goesb. 80c. is going19. my little sister in her bed right now.a. sleepb. sleeps c. is sleeping20. kayakers use a. a one-bladed paddle b. sculls c. a two-bladed paddle21 is a winter sport.a. sailingb. curling c. wrestling22. jenny come to the party tomorrow. she is ill.a don'tb. won'tc. didn't23. the workers - to paint the walls to days ago.a beginb beganc. begun24. the game by children all over the world.a. are played b. are playing c. is played25. yesterday the cake into 5 pieces by my mother.a was cut b. will be cut c. is cut​

Lerika51640 Lerika51640    3   27.05.2019 15:24    2

Matka2002 Matka2002  24.06.2020 18:33

1 a

2 c

3 a

4 b

5 c

6 c

7 b

8 c

9 b

10 b

11 c

12 a

13 Five thousand seven hundred eighty four is 5784 - у вас нет такого варианта)) - опечатались?

14 с

15 a

16 b

17 a

18 a

19 c

20 c

21 b

22 b

23 b

24 c

25 a

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