Задание 1. Определите функцию инфинитива в следующих предложениях.

1. To greet the famous guests was a great honor for the students.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) определение

2. The lecture to be attended is of a great importance.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) определение

3. These devices are used to help people to see.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) обстоятельство

4. We are to wish your friends every success.
а) определение б) обстоятельство с) часть сказуемого

5. You must do this task in time.
а) определение б) обстоятельство с) часть сказуемого

6. We decided to leave the country.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) определение

7. Our aim is to fulfill this task completely.
а) определение б) обстоятельство с) часть сказуемого

8. She put her hand into the bag to find the key.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) обстоятельство

9. There are some letters to post.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) определение

10. She was happy to be invited to the party.
а) подлежащее б) дополнение с) обстоятельство.

Задание 2. Определите время и залог инфинитива.

1. My daughter is glad to be taught English.
a) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice b) Indefinite Infinitive, Passive Voice

2. She is glad to be teaching such clever students.
a) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice b) Continuous Infinitive, Active Voice

3. You must be glad to have taught this subject before.
a) Perfect Infinitive, Active Voice b) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice

4. I am sorry not to have helped you.
a) Perfect Infinitive, Active Voice b) Perfect Infinitive, Passive Voice

5. He seems to be waiting for us.
a) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice b) Continuous Infinitive, Active Voice

6. I must post these letters.
a) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice b) Indefinite Infinitive, Passive Voice

7. It is so glorious to love and to be loved.
a) Indefinite Infinitive, Active Voice b) Indefinite Infinitive, Passive Voice
Задание 3. Определите, является ли выделенная часть предложения конструкцией Complex Subject или Complex Object.
1. I seem to be unable to solve this problem.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
2. He wants us to come earlier.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
3. What makes you think so?
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
4. They are sure to reach the shore safely.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
5. He seemed to be enjoying the performance.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
6. They are said to have been in London last month.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
7. I wanted him to be present at the lecture.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
8. The President is reported to have left Moscow for London.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
9. He wants you to bring the book back tomorrow.
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject
10. He made me to tell them about my adventures
a) Complex Object b) Complex Subject​

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