с Английским поставь глаголы, данные в скобках, в present simple или present continuous
1.He often goes (go) to the cinema. Habital action
2.They ... (not/watch) TV at the moment ...
3.John is outside. He ... (wash) the car ...
4.Dad ... (lie) on the sofa now ...
5.Claire ... (not/like) pizza.
6. ... (you/sleep) early on weekdays? ...

mofobaxu mofobaxu    2   15.12.2020 22:24    5

Udhudjd Udhudjd  14.01.2021 22:26


2) They are not watching TV at the moment

3) He is wasing the car

4) Dad is lying on the sofa now

5) Claire does not like pizza

6) Do you sleep early on weekdays?

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