Richard Barker Richard Barker was born into a farmer's fa" mily. He spent his early years on his father's farm. They always had a lot of animals. Ri- chard usually helped his parents and worked on the farm. He often asked his father ques- tions about his animals and got answers. Richard was inter- ested in medicine. He wanted to know how to help animals. But his dream was to learn how to help people: he wanted to become a doctor, a children's doctor. When Richard was eighteen, he left his home for London and went to London University. His university years were the hap- piest years of his life. He did what he liked and enjoyed it. When Richard was 26, he met Margaret. They got married and had two children a boy and a girl. They are a happy family. Now Richard Barker is working in a new hospital in London. He loves his job and is making a wonderful career. Children and their parents like him very much because he is a very good doctor. ЗАДАНИЕ:Выпишите из текста все глаголы, поделив их на три группы (или выписать в три столбика): 1-правильные глаголы в форме времени, 2-неправильные глаголы в форме времени, 3- глаголы в форме настоящего времени

KaterinaFadeeva KaterinaFadeeva    1   01.12.2021 12:40    1

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