Решите преобразуйте предложения, используя passive voice вместо active voice. 1) he didnt find this book in the library. 2) i dont feed my cat with fish. 3) does you friend often bring interesting books? 4) will you phone her tommorow? 5) did you mother cook this wonderful pie?

Vika1568393hhhu Vika1568393hhhu    1   26.08.2019 19:50    0

МашаКотик2004 МашаКотик2004  05.10.2020 21:31
1. This book wasn't found by him in the library
2.My cat isn't fed with fish
3. Are interesting books often brought by your friend?
4.Will she be phoned tomorrow?
5. Was this wonderful pie cooked by your mother?
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