Listening Time: 10 minutes (5 points) Listen to the text and mark the sentences (1–5) as T (True) or F (False). You will hear the text twice.

1. The circus opened in the 18th century.
2. The circus didn’t work during the Great Patriotic War.
3. Karandash was a very famous clown.
4. The circus moved to another area.
5. The circus performances are great.

Part 2 Reading Time: 10 minutes (6 points) Read Doing the Right Thing in Britain and match headings A–F with paragraphs 1–6.
A. Table manners
B. Politeness
C. Personal space
D. Facial expression
E. Visiting people
F. Conversation topics

Doing the Right Thing in Britain
1. When you stop a stranger in the street to ask for directions, start by saying ‘Excuse me…’ When you want to get past people, say ‘Excuse me…’ and they will move out of your way. And you should say ‘Please’ when you ask for something, and say ‘Thank you’ when people give you something.
2. Look friendly. Smile when you talk to people in shops, restaurants and on public transport, and they will probably smile back.
3. Don’t sit or stand too close to people you don’t know. British people don’t often touch each other, and usually say ‘Sorry’ when they touch someone by mistake. And when there are several empty seats in a public place, people usually sit away from other people.
4. Don’t ask personal questions like ‘How old are you?’, ‘How much do you weigh?’ or ‘Are you married?’ You can talk about the weather (always exciting!), or recent TV programmes, or football matches.
5. Make an appointment to see someone before you go to their home. It’s unusual to call on someone when they aren’t expecting you.
6. You mustn’t talk with your mouth full of food – wait until you have finished eating before you speak. And don’t eat food off your knife.

Part 3
Use of English Time: 30 minutes (44 points) Task 1 Put each verb in brackets (1–25) into a suitable verb form. 0 – is done for you as an example.
This story 0 (to happen) _happened_ many years ago with an Englishman. After a short visit to France he 1 (to want) to go back to England. He 2 (to have) only enough money to pay for his ticket. He 3 (to know) the trip 4 (to take) only two days. “I 5 (to be able) to live without food these two days,” he 6 (to think). So he 7 (to get) on the ship. By the end of the first day he 8 (to become) very hungry. When the waiter 9 (to invite) him to have supper, he pretended to be seasick and 10 (to stay) in his cabin. The next morning the Englishman 11 (to feel) half-dead with hunger. He decided, “I 12 (to eat) today even if they 13 (to throw) me into the sea”. At dinnertime he 14 (to go) to the dining room and 15 (to eat) everything that 16 (to put) before him on the table. Then he quickly 17 (to get) up and 18 (to run) to his cabin. In the evening when the ship 19 (to be) not far from London the Englishman 20 (to have) his supper. Then he 21 (to ask) the waiter to bring him the bill for dinner and supper he 22 (to eat). The waiter 23 (to tell) him that the meals 24 (to pay) for together with the ticket. The Englishman 25 (to be) disappointed.

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