Решить по ! : imagine you are in a shop. who will you talk to a) you see a shoplifter? b) you want to apply for a job there? c) you want to pay for some items? d) you want a shirt in a different size? e) you"ve spilt your drink on the floor? ( 7 класс workbook ю.е. ваулина с54 № 2)

mozgovod mozgovod    2   21.05.2019 06:10    1

Kss140916 Kss140916  21.05.2019 06:10

а) protection! protection! pay attention!   this man is stealing! b) hello. i want to work here.   is that possible? с) i want to buy it. how much ? d) this thing does not fit me.  could you give me a bigger size? e)  i'm sorry.  i'll wipe it.

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