Read the letter and underlene 6 words with spelling mistakes dear victoria, hello from england! you wanted to know about my school. well, i go to primary school. i like going to school. school us fun and all my class mates are very nice. my school is not very big but my class room is very big. there is a class zoo in there! we've got a lot of subjects at school. i find school work easy. my favourite subjects are art, englisg,maths and music. i'm good at reading but i am not good at spelling. i hate spelling tests. and i don't like doing my home work. best of all i like breaktime. do you like going to school? is your school big? what are your favourite subjects? is there a computerclass in your school? write soon, jessica

AronP AronP    3   18.06.2019 15:50    2

kiraivanova777 kiraivanova777  02.10.2020 04:44
Yes mf  raroroeha volva and fish
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