Определите функцию под-

чёркнутой глагольной формы (Participle I, Gerund).

1. The result of vertical or convection currents is that the air in moving upward

expands and cools, causing precipitation.

2. Experience can be gained only by observing weather conditions and by pre-

paring and studying weather maps.

3. A study of successive weather maps, tracing the movement of the weather, is

essential to the problem of forecasting.

4. Depressions travel over the islands from west to east, bringing heavy rain.

5. The barometer is an instrument for determining atmospheric pressure.

6. Climate of big cities is only one small problem facing mankind.

7. In changing water into ice its composition is not changed.

8. So far as temperature is concerned, Britain is fortunate in having warmer win-

ters than other districts in the same latitude.​

ринат126 ринат126    2   09.04.2020 18:53    1

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