Раскройте скобки, употребляя present continuous или present perfect continuous. a. 1. why are you red? you (to run)? 2. hey, what you (to do) here? 3. he (to do) his lessons since after lunch. 4. come in, but look where you (to go). we (to paint) the living-room. 5. the bathroom is in a mess. the children (to wash) their dog. 6. i (to try) to find him the whole day. 7. why you (not to talk) to each other? you (to quarrel) again? 8. i can see her face in the mirror. she (to smile). 9. she (to type) without any intervals ever since she came home from the office. 10. i (to cook) dinner since the children left for school. in fact, i (to cook) it right now. b. 1. there is a man sitting at the first table near the door. he (to look) at us. - yes, but what of it? - i (to meet) him everywhere for the last two days. 2. ever since my schooldays i (to study) the history of russia. now i (to read) books on the civil war. 3. i know you (to look) for somebody with experience on your stuff. there is a person in our laboratory who might interest you. he (to work) here for ten years. 4. i have just returned from my aunt's. - how long you (to stay) with her? 5. where is my daughter? - she (to talk) to a policeman. - what's happened? - she (to drive) without a license. 6. i hope you (to do) well? - splendid! i was very sorry that you left us. we (to do) better ever since. 7. a girl (to wait) to see you, doctor. - how long she (to wait)?

syrmilyj syrmilyj    2   30.06.2019 09:30    0

NikishK NikishK  23.07.2020 23:48
A. 1.Have you been running?  2. What are you doing here?  3. He has been doing...  4. ...where are you going. We are painting... 5. The children have been washing...  6. I`ve been trying... 7. Why aren`t you talking... Have you been quarreling again? 8.She is smiling  9. She has been typing...10. I have been cooking ... I`m cooking it...
B. 1. He is looking...I have been  meeting... 2. ...I have been studying...Now I`m reading...3. ...you are looking for...//he has been workong... 4. How long have you been staying... 5. She is talkig to...She has been driving... 6. you are doing...We have been doing...7. A girl is waiting...How long has she been waiting?
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