1.Mark said that he ……… a great time in London the previous summer.

A) had had В) would have C) has had

2. Ben tells the……jokes I’ve ever heard.

A) funnier В) funniest C) most funny

3. Neither Annabel.. ……Sue has ever flown in a plane.

A) or В) and C) nor

4. Mr Adams speaks……..than anyone I know.

A) slower В тридцать :)​

двоечник63 двоечник63    3   04.05.2020 11:35    1

mendozzzakortd mendozzzakortd  14.10.2020 06:39

1. Mark said that he C) has had a great time in London the previous summer.

2. Ben tells the В) funniest  jokes I’ve ever heard.

3. Neither Annabel C) nor Sue has ever flown in a plane.

4. Mr Adams speaks A) slower than anyone I know.


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