Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. He ( know ) English well.
2. I ( write) an exercise now.
3. You ( go) to school on Saturdays?
4. We (not dance) every day.
5. They ( play ) in the room now?
6I ( understand )you.
7. He ( sleep ) now?
8. They usually (read) many books.
9. The children ( eat) soup now.
10. He ( help) his mother every day.
11. You ( play) the piano well?
12. Look! Kate ( dance) now.
13. Ann ( like) sushi?
14. The children(not have)lunch at the moment.
15.Listen! Tom( talk) on the phone
Внимательно смотрите на тип предложения(отриц.во утверд.)

tosogoktkkdkdk tosogoktkkdkdk    1   11.04.2020 09:37    1

kli200192uasmi kli200192uasmi  28.08.2020 08:08

1 knows

2 am writing

3 Do you go to school on Saturdays?

4 don't dance

5. Are they playing in the room now?

6. understand

7. Is he sleeping now?

8. read

9 are eating

10 helps

11 . Do you play the piano well?

12 is dancing

13 Does he Ann like sushi?

14 aren't having

15 is talking

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