Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present, Past or Future Continuous. 1. What you (to do) now? 2. It (to snow) the whole day yesterday. 3. Whom you (to wait) here for? 4. These students (to obtain) pure hydrogen. 5.We (to write) our test paper from ten till half past eleven yesterday. 6. My friend (to heat) a solution on the burner now. 7. The students (to mix) different substances next week. 8. My brother (to cross) the street, where I saw him. 9. If you come to see me early in the morning, I (to sleep). 10. We not (to cool) a mixture next week.

ipolevoy1 ipolevoy1    3   25.11.2020 15:50    1

danilabelinovp08mj9 danilabelinovp08mj9  25.12.2020 15:51

are you doing

was snowing

are you waiting

are obtaining

were writing

are heating

will be mixing

was crossing

will be sleeping

will be cooling

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