Подобрать антонимы к выделенным словам. knowledgeable, superior ,tense, reassuring, mature, dull ,conceited, critical, incompatible ,adventurous 1. have a bath and you'll feel more relaxed. 2. steve's a great musician, but he's very modest about his abilities. 3. i'm really ignorant about politics. you'll have to ask someone else. 4. tom's comment really made me feel inferior. 5. the teacher said some really complimentary things about our project. 6. the week before exams is a worrying for everybody. 7. harvey told us some intriguing stories about his visit to china. 8. although their personalities are different , phil and amy are very well-matched. 9. i really can't forgive sylvia for her infantile behaviour: she's nearly nineteen. 10. i'm quite cautious about trying new food in restaurant.

RыBкA109 RыBкA109    1   02.07.2019 14:00    1

dimalol3373 dimalol3373  26.07.2020 18:54
Tense - relaxed
modest - conceited
ignorant - knowledgeable
superior- inferior
complimentary- reassuring/critical
worrying - ? (relaxed - нет в списке)
intriguing - dull
well-matched - incompatible
infantile - mature
cautious - adventurous
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