Раскройте скобки,поставив глаголы в present или past simple.(укажите какую форму поставили)(перечислите текст письменно) Yesterday ...(be) a severe storm.It...(leave) Jamestown roads is terrible conditions.Today the gutters ..(be) full of trash and tree branches..(block) many roads and streets.Citizens ..(find) a lot of damages yesterday if flooding in many roads.Some drivers ...(be) unable to reach their destinations and ..(leave) their cars on the shoulder (обочина). Today crews ..(find) many damages of the surface of many roads.They ..(ask) to report about any problems with pavement.

Random00700 Random00700    2   20.01.2021 19:52    1

Almirgiv Almirgiv  19.02.2021 19:53


Yesterday was a severe storm.It leaves Jamestown roads is terrible conditions.Today the gutters are full of trash and tree branches block many roads and streets. Citizens found a lot of damages yesterday if flooding in many roads. Some drivers was unable to reach their destinations and left their cars on the shoulder (обочина). Today crews found many damages of the surface of many roads.They asked to report about any problems with pavement.

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