Раскрой скобки и употреби глаголы в Present Simpleили во Future Simple ( Действия в предложениях относятся к будущему)

1.When the leaves ( to become) yellow and red, the children ( to go) to the forest. 2. If your sister ( not / to go out), she ( not to see) a rainbow. 3.If I ( not / to help) Sam with Maths, he ( not to help) me with French. 4.After Alice ( to fry ) eggs, she ( to have) breakfast with her Mum. 5. Where Ann ( to work ) after she ( to return ) from America? 6.What they ( to do ) when the competitions ( to be over)? 7.My friend ( to play ) chess as soon as he ( to get ) on a train. 8. My coach ( not / to spread) the news if it ( not/ to be) very good. 9. You ( not / to suffer ) from a headache if you ( to take) the medicine. 10. If they ( not / to be) ill, they (to take part) in a swimming competition. 11.As soon as she ( to buy) flowers, she ( to go) to her friend‘s birthday party. 12.The girl ( to take) her dog for a walk after she ( to do ) her homework. 13. He ( to watch ) videos after he ( to finish ) his homework.? 14.He ( to train ) hard before he (to win ) the race.

lаня lаня    2   27.04.2020 03:22    4

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